KaTrina in the Gorean City of Tharna

For nearly all of 2013, I lived in the City of Tharna.  After several years in Second Life, and knowing how huge a presence the fictional planet of Gor has in our virtual world, it was time to find out first-hand what it is about.

(To get an idea of how big this roleplay community is, visit The New Voice of Gor.  Gor even has its own online radio station!)

I visited the new Tharna when I found out it was being completely rebuilt.  I was lucky to meet the owner, builder, and "Tatrix" (the leader) of the new City of Tharna sim.  I toured just a bit, and was blown away by the beauty of the place.  We talked more, and I returned for another visit.

In my second trip, I met more of the citizens and felt comfortable and welcome.  Tatrix gave me an application, which I filled out on the spot.  I thought it would take a while to be evaluated, and that I would probably be given a low position (although still as a free woman; we had discussed that Slave, known in Gorean as a "kajira," would not be right for me).  I was surprised and honored when I was invited to the Tharna group, and the title "Tharna Kennel Mistress" appeared above my head!  It appeared I was starting off in a very responsible position after all--I would be watching over the slaves of the city, and running the dungeon in the castle.

My Kennel Mistress experience didn't go all that well.  Hard to discipline and train slaves when they all know more than I do!  So I had another conversation with Tatrix, and we focused on my desire and skills in writing.  Coincidentally, the city had just lost the Editor of our monthly newspaper, the Tharna Scroll.  She offered the position, I accepted, and a new Gorean life began!

As I write this in March 2013, I have published two editions of the Scroll.  To get a copy you have to be inworld, but I have taken one of my own stories "Trip to a Panther Island" and published it right HERE on my Website.  I hope you will read and enjoy!

I left Tharna and Gor in November 2013, having found that there just wasn't a real Gorean in me.  Although I did enjoy my time as the Scroll editor, and later for a couple of months as a kajira, the full impact of Gor as a roleplay environment just wasn't working.  I left behind some wonderful friends with some of whom I still communicate.  For my next life, read about Tai Yong Labs.

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