By KaTrina Velde, Editor, Tharna Scroll

Your Scroll Editor had a unique opportunity recently.  On March 6, she was invited by Tarnsman Ricka Deerhunter to take a canoe trip.  Although he did not tell me in advance where I was going, the adventure intrigued and attracted me.  As we were about to leave, the young kajira Kayra approached us, and we invited her along as well.

Ricka led us to a small dock, where we boarded a canoe.  (The kajira, of course, gave up the seat to the free and perched on the gunwale, her long silks cascading into the water like the tail of a beautiful mermaid.)

I took the front seat.  If you know how to canoe, you know that all the steering gets done from the back; the forward person just provides power, so Ricka guided us through narrow, twisting channels into the core of the island.  As we moved, he told us that this was panther territory, and it was rich in resources that could be of great value for trade.  "There are minerals to be mined, pelts to be traded, slaves to be bought, there is wood to burn and make Potash. Big money for Potash."

"Here is my plan," whispered RIcka, just barely heard over the soft swish of the paddles. "I will bring our head merchant and trader through these lands. He or she will make trade.. Lots of it,, and a little silver will go a very very long way in this land that has no silver.  We will be stocked with food and natural resources."

I was pretty much lost, and asked Ricka where we were.  "It is all the land between Mystic Fire and Tarnburg,, and that encompasses a very long trading route.  Diarmuid will do well here," referring to our Head Merchant.

Obviously, the panthers were not going to just welcome Tharna in to take over their natural riches.  "The biggest news is coming up," Ricka said to me.  "I will need full support from the Tatrix and the military... Your story has the power to make us a world power on this planet."  I patted the quill pen at my hip, the powerful "weapon" that I always carry with me.

We paddled on, through dense forests and past some very rustic small houses.  We saw a few people, and kept silent to not be detected.  But then we came around a corner; I looked up, and saw the stone walls of a huge castle.  "That may be a place we will avoid..."

We traveled a bit farther down the narrow waterway.  "My scouting report in this area found Kurri tracks."

Ricka pulled the canoe deeply into some tall reeds, so we could look safely.  "That is a very large city, that will buy all the resources from us,,, Basically we will sap the resources from the land and trade it to this city, and that's all in addition to the things that we will divert home."

But at this, I was incredulous.  "Why do they not just come here and take it all themselves, Ricka?  What do they need us for?  Such a city could be taking everything from this land at will, seems to me."

He answered, and I did follow his logic.  "Because they are too lazy, or not savy enough to do it themselves, and because ummmm.. because the men they currently have trading along the rivers will soon start dissappearing by the droves!    These people are bad people but they will deal with us. Rest assured, we will make a fortune off these slobs."  He emphasized his point, using his paddle to splash the invisible traders with water.  "That's my part," he added with a grin.

We rounded a curve, and he pointed.  "Look dead ahead; do you see that trading outpost?  Control over that is key to the whole deal."  I asked who controls it now.  "Dead men...or soon to be," he whispered.

I answered back, "So you need warriors to come out here with you, Ricka."  "Tharna will control this outpost," he said.  "Yes, exactly Katrina.. I will need warriors to take this place.  This post is smack dab in the middle of the continent--a most strategic place."

It was now near nightfall, and we would not be able to return to Tharna.  Ricka guided us deep into the forest where he had a small camp set up with a fire already burning.  Kayra and I crawled into the tent as Ricka spread the fire so no flame, only deep red coals, would be visible overnight.

The activities that took place in the tent that night are not really material for a family newspaper, but I was reminded how much I enjoy camping.

The next morning broke sunny and clear.  We were out and on our way at sunrise, and returned safely home.  As I write this on March 7, I do not know what the outcome of this trip might be for the City of Tharna, but it was certainly a great adventure for Scribe KaTrina.  With work, strength and luck, perhaps all our citizens will soon be able to visit and profit from this beautiful land!

Fair winds, Tharnians.
--Editor KaTrina

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